Becca breaks down her favorite sex related book while we OOH over hot zones & laugh at funny moments from our sex lives.
Show Notes
Becca breaks down her favorite sex related book while we OOH over hot zones & laugh at funny moments from our sex lives.
[0:02] Welcome to Vaginance. We’re very happy to be here.
[0:05] Should we also just record like a pre like, Hey, if you’re a family member, genetically related to me. Please do not listen to this podcast episode. This specific episode.
[0:16] I would say that about the entirety of this entire podcast. If you, if you know my middle name, turn this the fuck off.
[0:25] Mhm. Yes.
[0:28] That is such a trick question.
[0:30] Yeah. Don’t fucking, listen.
[0:34] Yeah. If you don’t want to hear about my oral pleasure, don’t listen to this.
[0:41] Practice, safe sex and safe listening. Please exit now.
[0:44] Absolutely. So Yeah, I just for funsies made these. They’re not perfect by any means.
They’re postcards. I ordered 50 of them, and they just have our label and our logo. And it just says ‘you fucking did it’ so that if a listener writes in and tell us some financial shit they did and it could be anything, it doesn’t have to be, like, paid off your credit card.
[1:05] I love this.
[1:05] Like you just opened your, you know, bank account for the first time in six months, we’ll send you a little postcard.
[1:09] Oh! Oh, my God. I love that. I thought you were gonna We’ll sign it because we’re famous.
[1:13] We’ll all sign it. Look. 1 to 4 of us will sign it.
[1:13] At least one of us will sign it.
[1:18] I’m just going to draw a dick on it.
[1:19] When we are in the same geographical location, we will all sign it. That is Taylor’s signature. That is how she signs checks.
[1:23] Yeah, Yeah, you’ll know it’s from Taylor.
So yeah, if you.
[1:30] It is my official signature legally.
[1:31] Yeah, I can pay for this with a dick drawing, right?
[1:35] Yeah, so if any of our listeners have anything they ever want to be applauded for in their financial world, anything at all.
I’m telling you, it cannot be too small. Like the shit that I am proud of doing is humiliating.
Um but it shouldn’t be, because anything you do that involves putting more attention to your finances so that you can set yourself for the future is a wonderful thing. And you deserve a postcard. So we’ll send you one.
[1:59] I love that. And I also love that you’re hopeful that we’ll have 50 listeners.
[2:03] Who wants a postcard?
[2:04] Yeah. Email us on our instagram, @vaginancepodcast and other things.
[2:11] Yeah, I I honestly, that you’re going to say we should like mail those out to random people. It’s like a marketing ploy.
[2:19] We can also mail them. You fucking did it!
[2:20] You fucking did it. Yes. Maybe we will do that with 10 of them and see how that goes.
[2:27] 10 random people.
[2:27] Yeah!
Yes! Okay. So welcome. So today’s podcast Boop! We’ve done it.
[2:36] Welcome. We just spent an hour and a half taking photos. Yeah, Julie’s very reluctant husband.
[2:50] I think there’s at least one good photo of me in there, so.
[2:53] Yeah, well, there’s mult I can confirm there’s multiple good ones of you. I found two of Becca that I really liked, and I found a ton of you that I really liked. I hated all of mine, and I’m going to burn them. None of you will ever see what I look like.
[2:59] I’ll take two.
[3:04] Yeah. No, no. Trust me, it’ll be fine.
[3:05] Yeah,
this is going to send a little too sexual, But there is definitely a picture of Becca in my bathroom that I want framed.
[3:13] And I encourage it strongly.
[3:15] Yeah, I often take photos of Becca and Photoshop them, like with glitter. And remember, I’ve done that where I, like, find really, really good photos of Becca and I’ll like Photoshop Glitter backgrounds, and then print them out and give them to her.
[3:30] She took a great one of me on your couch, either here at your last apartment, and then she photoshopped a rainbow over my head and it looked wonderful. It’s framed somewhere.
[3:32] It was the last apartment. Yeah, it was like with all your art, like, all over. It was really cool.
[3:40] Yeah, I should bring – give that to you.
[3:44] I could have a little Becca collage in my house.
[3:46] I would love that. It’s called a shrine.
[3:48] Uh huh.
[3:50] Yeah. So we were thinking.
Were we thinking or am I thinking this? Someone in this room was thinking that maybe we could each, over time, share a book that has been really helpful to us, either financially or sexually or anatomically or even like time management.
Anything that’s kind of relevant with the body or with the finances.
Um, I think that’d be cool. I know Maggie’s got a million books that she’s read. Julie’s got a million books that she’s read. Taylor’s got a million books.
[4:20] Have only read comic books.
[4:22] No, you talk about that one book all the time. Don’t say the book because you’re gonna have to present on it. You talk about that one book all the time, though.
[4:24] I just got a new comic book.
[4:29] Um yes, I do. Yes, the hmm. The books that I have been forced to read on this podcast.
[4:29] Why People? Yes, Yes.
[4:30] Your Money or Your Life?
[4:40] Yeah. Um, So I brought a book today, uh, to discuss because I’m not sure how we decided this, but I think it was Maggie’s idea to talk about sex books, right?
[4:52] Well, I didn’t say sex books. I just said that we talked about this podcast being about taboos, and we’ve been very strongly focusing on finances and periods, but we hadn’t really brought up the topic of sex a lot.
[5:00] Yeah.
Yeah, that’s right. Yes. So, um, I am presenting to everyone today.
A book that’s amazing. Um, and has done very good things for me in my life, sexually. It’s called She Comes First.
It’s by Dr Ian Kerner. He’s a sex therapist.
Um, so She Comes First, tagline: The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman. So kind of off the bat, it is a heteronormative book.
They do acknowledge the fact that the book is for anyone who wants to pleasure a woman and the – but the book is working under the assumption that someone with similar genitalia to the genitalia that they’re trying to pleasure has a better idea of what they’re doing.
Um, in that most men do not know the anatomy of a woman.
Um, namely what her clitoris actually is.
So a huge chunk of this book is talking about the clitoris. There is a there is a two.
There’s two pages where they just talk about like the ten hot zones of the clitoris that you can stimulate.
There’s 18 like different points of the clitoris, But there’s 10 like hot zones um.
[6:13] Did you know this, Maggie?
[6:15] I’ve seen an episode of Friends where they talk about some hot zones. Do you know what I’m talking about? And then seven, so Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[6:17] Seven! Seven!
[6:22] Yeah. Oh, yes, Yes. 7218.
[6:22] Yes. 77 Okay. Okay.
[6:30] Um and that’s all I can think about right now. So.
[6:31] Yes. Well, it’s not dissimilar to that, Um, but just like the whole book is very obviously very sexual.
But it’s also arousing in a very, um, academic way, because it Yeah.
Anyway, so there’s this two pages of where it just talks about 10 hot zones. Literally just reading the bullet pointed hot zones is a very arousing thing, like, ‘Oh, yeah, that is a good spot. Oh, that’s a good spot.’
[6:54] Should one of us perhaps read them out loud right now?
[6:56] Yeah. Everyone buckle up. Um, anyways, yeah, I really, really, really recommend this book. It’s mostly about cunnilingus.
Um, more so than anything. Uh.
[7:07] How do you get your boyfriend to read it, Becca? This is what the read, this is what the listeners want to know.
[7:13] Yeah. Well, um, so in the past, Yeah. No, but that’s a really that is a great question.
[7:15] Hypothetically. Don’t look at me like that.
[7:20] Is that what the listeners want to know? Is there an illustrated graphic novel version?
[7:21] Try. You could try asking him.
[7:28] Oh, that’s a great idea.
[7:29] Rip out chapters of this book and.
[7:32] Put them in a Stephen King book.
[7:34] And disperse them.
[7:40] Um, yeah, well, you know, it’s a very it’s super, super readable.
[7:40] Uh, yeah. Yes.
[7:46] She just, like, torn apart the next day.
[7:53] I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just terrible. Yeah.
[7:53] It’s a great idea. So that’s one option. No, no, it’s, um Yeah, well, it’s I think that’s a super reasonable question, because you don’t.
[7:56] Sorry. We’re interrupting Becca.
[8:01] Okay, go on.
[8:07] I think it’s ah, it’s hard to feel.
It’s hard not to offend a partner, especially if it’s something that they might be sensitive about.
Is pleasuring their partner? Um, so, yeah, so She Comes.
Okay, so this was recommended to me many years ago, I think, by my friend Hannah.
Um, and it was just really changed things for me because penetrative sex I don’t find, um gives me a consistent orgasm, um, in the way that external stimulation does.
Um, and oral sex is my favorite thing. Maybe in the whole world, I don’t know.
Hard to say, but probably. Um and yeah, um, and this book is so helpful.
[8:43] I think that’s a hard yes.
[8:48] I’ve read it, um, at least once. But I usually skim through it pretty regularly because it is like a great reminder of all the different bits of your body and how they respond to different things, and it’s very readable.
The chapters are like three pages long, um, like there’s like, anal play, and that’s like three pages. And that’s a whole chapter.
Um, and they like just, I don’t know. It’s great.
And it talks about foreplay is actually core play, Um, and how, based off of Freud’s research, I don’t know if yall ever read about this bullshit.
How Freud like, said that it’s, um, infantile for women to seek orgasms from their clitoris, and they should really be working towards penetrative orgasms.
[9:30] Because that doesn’t benefit men at all.
[9:32] Right? So, like so, yeah, it’s just like you’re not quite evolved unless you’re getting penetrative orgasms, which is the most bullshit thing.
But it’s like, seriously shaped how, uh, sexual philosophy has developed.
Um, and sexual psychiatry etcetera.
Um, that and then porn. Um, a lot of people watch porn and take their cues for penetrative sex and oral sex from porn, which is a lot of flicking of the tongue, which is not highly recommended.
A little hot tip. There’s more to it, everybody. Anyways – a lil hot tip! And this book walks you through it.
[10:11] If you have ever wanted to pleasure a woman, if you’ve ever had a vagina and wanted to be pleasured.
Please read this book or have it on hand. Um.
[10:20] How much does it cost? We’re talking finances. It’s monetary value. Okay? It’s pleasuring. I know, right? I mean, it costs nothing to pleasure your woman.
[10:23] Um 16. 99. T
[10:25] We It’s the monetary value is insignificant.
[10:33] Oh, my God. And it’s just night and day. It’s just night and day. It’s really it’s really helpful stuff.
[10:39] So have you had guys that you’ve dated read this book? Every guy, every guy you’ve date.
[10:42] I have every, yes yes.
[10:46] But can I interrupt before we get to that?
Because I don’t lose this thought. I had a thought about if your partner doesn’t initially agree to reading the book, I thought of something which is one possible but maybe also not work is, um maybe perhaps buying, I don’t know, a book that clearly says, like, how to give a great blowjob or you know, something like that, and then be like, Hey, I’m going to read this book.
Do you want to read this book and then more of a trade?
Instead of being like, Well, you do this be like, Hey, let’s both let’s both become more educated.
[11:19] That’s exactly what I’ve done, like every time. Because I there’s a book that’s called Passionista, and it’s about providing oral sex on a man.
But yeah, Passionista. So I always have that on my Kindle.
So, yeah, I’ll re read it. Every time I have a partner that I request to read this book, I will re read Passionista.
Um, yeah, that’s that’s absolutely a great way to do it because it’s all about learning and learning about that person’s body and.
[11:44] Yeah. And also that way it doesn’t feel like you’re being I don’t know. You need to read this. It’s more of like, Hey, let’s both do some self improvement sort of thing. Yes. Yeah.
[11:50] Right?
Totally, Totally. Yeah, 100%. Um.
[11:56] I’m already perfect.
[12:00] That’s true. That’s true. But yeah. I mean, yeah, it’s always nice to be inspired again.
[12:10] So very much interrupted. You were talking about how you every every guy that you’re with you request to read this book.
[12:16] I mean, basically every like, serious guy I’m with. I request to read this book, and most have been very willing.
Um, yes.
[12:23] And have, in the end result, given good feedback like, thank you for introducing me to this book.
[12:28] Yeah, whether they read the whole thing or not, they, uh, said they enjoyed it, and then there were results.
Um, yeah, and it’s especially good if you ah are not having great penetrative sex with a partner.
Um, it, like, makes this a much more comfortable thing that they can do because there’s a lot required, especially like like men.
There’s a lot of pressure on them to perform. Um, and there’s some things that they’re not in total control over.
And I think like this book even states like the average man can maintain, like, rhythmic thrusting for 2.5 minutes.
Um, and like there’s so I think a lot of men feel less than because they don’t recognize that’s a very, very common average statistic.
But anyways, you don’t have to penetrate all if you read this book, guys. I cannot cannot recommend it enough. It’s just so good.
A papaya! Which actually makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like papayas.
[13:28] It’s got a papaya on the cover.
[13:32] Um, the seeds weird me out. One of the hottest moments of uh, yeah, well, very hot moment in my life.
I was on an airplane with a guy. We were traveling together.
Um, and I looked over. This was before we slept together.
Ah, I looked over and he was reading something on his Kindle. I was like, Oh, what are you reading?
And he was like, I’m reading this book about pleasuring a woman, and I was like, ‘Is it She Comes First?’ and he was like, Yeah, have you heard of it? And I said, Yeah, I’ve heard of it.
[14:04] Just just getting wet in your airplane seat immediately.
[14:06] Yeah, And then obviously slept with him that night. Um.
[14:11] There you go, guys. Just tell people you’re reading the book and that’s the instant success. Read it on the subway.
[14:15] Just carry it with you everywhere you go.
[14:18] You know, at the time I was thinking like, Oh, my God, this guy’s so amazing that he happened to be reading this book.
And now I’m like, obviously, he was intentionally reading this book next to me so that I would ask what he was reading, and he would have the opportunity to tell me he was reading a book about cunnilingus so that we’d fuck later.
[14:37] Yeah, brilliant.
[14:37] And it was brilliant. And please do that, please.
[14:41] But you should also actually be reading it.
[14:43] Actually, yeah, and I believe very strongly that he had, um.
[14:52] Number one. Most surprising thing you read in that book.
[14:58] Um okay, so, one, I don’t know if it’s the number one, but you know how?
[15:07] Do we? Do we know how?
[15:07] Uh huh.
So without reading a book, there are certain things that when I’m sleeping with someone or we’re, you know, sexy stuff is happening.
I’m like, Oh! oh! that feels good. Do that what you’re doing, Um, and one of -this is so, personal, I am so sorry, everybody.
But one of the things I’ve really enjoyed and I thought was just kind of a thing I like was like, when someone, um, like presses down on my mons pubis.
Um, which is, like, where your pubic hair is, Um, and just like presses on it.
But that’s actually like one of the hot zones for your clitoris.
Because so many nerves run under that, um, like, basically like yeah, Like, think like clitoral nerves on the mons pubis. And then, like, think in the vagina.
Um, where the G spot quote unquote is, which is not a spot. It’s a region.
So don’t get fixated on the spot, everybody. But yeah, So I always knew I liked pressure on the mons pubis, but that’s because there’s a very real reason for that.
[16:19] It’s a true anatomical reason that that’s the thing you like.
[16:21] Yes. Um So it’s cool to and, like, you know, at the very top of your labia minora, where it’s like hyper hyper sensitive.
I was always like, Oh, that’s a really hyper sensitive area.
Well, because there’s so many nerve endings and it’s a part of your clitoris so like all of these things that to me, I guess at times I felt like my weird body.
What I’ve got such a you know, like you think something’s wrong. You think something’s weird, but no, it’s just your body and we’re never taught about it.
Great book. Everyone, Everybody. For everyone, it really is. It’s so educational and helpful, Excited to see who brings a book next time and what book it’ll be.
[17:03] I’m gonna listen to that master class on, um, sex communication.
What else? What else? Y’all got.
[17:12] Other topics for the afternoon were, um, humorous and/or embarrassing. But let’s go with could potentially be funny because I prefer that, sex stories. Anyone got one to offer up?
[17:23] Yeah. Same sounds like you have one.
[17:26] I don’t, but I I can try.
[17:28] You said you did never once. Okay, sure. Oh, that is the biggest lie Maggie has ever told on this podcast.
[17:28] Nothing embarrassing has ever happened to Maggie.
[17:31] I’ve never once ever done anything slightly embarrassing.
Um, we’ve done a lot of embarrassing things, and then I I have to like, really think about again the listeners of this podcast.
[17:48] Exit now.
[17:51] Um, maybe we go around more than once, and I’ll start with a tamer one.
[17:51] Abort.
Well, you have multiple.
[17:58] I’ve been embarrassed a lot in my life. All right, let’s be real here.
Um, when I was in college, my college roommate and I bunked our beds, and,
um, we put the TV, which was at the time it was a huge box TVs, not like a flat screen TV on the top bunk and then would have chairs on the other side of the room. And we’d sit and watch TV like up high.
And I was messing around on the bottom bunk bed one time, sort of forgetting that there was a giant TV on the top bunk and shattered the fuck outta that TV. It like fell off the bed it broke.
[18:34] Oh, no.
[18:38] Um, this is in the college dorms. Like people came running. There’s, like, no clothes on.
There’s glass everywhere.
[18:46] Um, that was fairly embarrassing in that it was very hard to, like, throw clothes on really quickly and be like, “Oh, no, just you. You is, uh, just fell off the bed. I don’t Okay.” Like you’re flustered. It’s hard to explain.
[18:59] Mm.
[19:01] Were people like banging on the door being like, “What’s going on in there?” You should have just been like, “Shut up. We’re fucking!”
[19:03] Yeah. People are like banging on the door. The whole situation. Yeah.
[19:06] Uh huh. Yeah.
[19:10] Yeah, “I’m trying to fuck!” Like.
[19:14] So you were messing around with a partner. This was not exceptionally vigorous solo play.
[19:19] Correct. There was There was another person involved.
[19:22] Yeah. That’s pretty good. Yeah.
[19:25] Yeah, and, ah, ruined. Ruined the fuck out of a TV.
[19:29] Well, sex crimes.
[19:36] Um, yes, I have one. Uh, so, yeah, I hesitate to use the word embarrassing because I think, you know, we don’t have to tie shame to our sex stories.
So this one.
Um well, backstory -I’m a late bloomer when it comes to sex, very much a late bloomer.
Um, most of that could be credited towards, um, in large part to my religious upbringing, but also large part to just, like a really negative self image for a very long time.
I just assumed no one wanted have sex with me, and therefore, it was like not a part of my life for a long time.
Um, so that’s why it seems like I might be overcompensating now because I, like, really dove into it.
Once I got into the whole scene of sex. I love it. I’m really passionate about it. I love learning about it. I love talking about it.
[20:29] The sex scene? Yeah. No sellouts allowed.
[20:30] Yeah, you very much into the sex scene. So Yeah.
Anyways, so Yeah, I’m just very, very comfortable with it.
And I love it a lot. Anyways, so when I was, uh, just this okay,
I hooked up with a friend and this was before I’d have any sort of penetrative sex.
And I was probably 24 when this happened.
Um, and I hadn’t even touched a Penis at this point.
[21:06] Um, and I was staying at his place, and one thing kind of led to another, and we were in bed together, and he went down on me, which is great.
Take the great cue from She Comes First, though I doubt he had read this at that point.
Um, and that was also new to me. It was the first time that had happened, and I was like, Oh, this feels interesting. Do I like it? I don’t know. I’m not sure if I’m into this.
Um, because I Yeah, so then that’s over.
Um, and were kind of laying in bed, and I I’m just laying there and he was like, Well is that it for me?
And it wasn’t in a rude way. He was just trying to understand what was happening.
Um, and I said, Oh, I’ve I’ve never done anything with a Penis before and he was like, Okay, well, do you want to try? And I was like, Yeah, sure. Okay.
[22:00] And so I was like, terrified of it. at the age of 24.
And like, of course, I’m sure he was shocked. I thought, being with the 24 year old so I, like, kind of like, you know, my hand went down there and it was dark, and I attempted to give him a hand job.
But I was like, I was, like, not interested in getting close to the Penis. I was, like, as far away from it as possible. Yeah.
And he at one point, was like, You know, you can get closer to it because it was, like, clearly wearing on me. There’s a lot of arm work.
Uh um but yeah.
So he could tell I was getting fatigued and was, like, you could get closer. And I was like, I’m fine.
[22:46] And, like, I didn’t even look at it. I still don’t know what his dick looks like because I was – I know, big missed opportunity. It haunts me.
Um and but, you know, that was a mild success. I did.
You know, he ejaculated, but it was not a dignified. It was not a dignified situation by any means.
[23:04] I truly imagine that a lot of people’s first experience with a Penis is similar. Even men’s Uh huh.
[23:11] Maybe so. Oh, yeah.
Maybe so, but, um yeah, and I mean, like, we’re still we’re still good friends. We didn’t hook up after that. And that is something that bothers me. And, like, I wish we could hook up now where he knows I’m not that awful at it.
[23:27] Well, maybe he’ll listen to this podcast and give you a call.
[23:31] Yeah, he is now in a a situation relationally where it would be very inappropriate for this.
[23:36] Ah, never. Never mind. Add him to the non listener group.
[23:40] Yeah. Don’t listen. You know who you are. We all know who you are.
[23:42] Right?
[23:44] That you went into that situation stating, I’ve never done anything with a Penis before. I think lets you off the hook. I don’t think he will have held that belief of you for the rest of your life after that.
[23:51] Thank you.
[23:58] Yeah, I think most reasonable people would assume. Like you’ve had quite a bit of experience since then. I mean, you are kind of a slut.
[24:03] Yeah, true. But it’s not. It’s not that I want to, like, prove myself, which I do. It is my ego talking, but it’s also like, as an act of apology, like, please let me do something for you.
Because that was awful. And you had to go through it, so yeah, but I won’t. That would be inappropriate.
[24:28] That’s a great story. I think that’s super relatable. I think that the age thing is really the variable in that story.
But I think most people’s first encounter with genitals of the other sex is terrifying and awkward and weird. And all of those things.
[24:46] I would say not even generals of the other sex, just someone else’s genitals. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[24:50] Oh, yes, totally.
[24:51] Genitals of another person.
[24:56] It’s a scary time. And you’re – good luck, young listeners.
[24:59] Uh huh. Yeah. May I suggest start younger than I did. Really Get that awkwardness out before you’re expected to know what you’re doing.
[25:06] When everyone is awkward.
[25:06] I mean, I think that even as a nearly 32 year old person, I still have awkward moments.
Where it’s just like “Ah this isn’t really workight right. And how do we, uh, was Everyone feels weird right now. Let’s just Yeah.” like it just happens. It’s just sex forever is gonna have awkward moments in it.
[25:25] Oh, totally.
[25:29] Yes. 100. Yes. Absolutely.
[25:36] It’s not like the movies.
[25:39] Unless it’s some of those comedy movies where sex is awkward.
[25:42] Yeah, that’s true. Then it’s like, really awkward. Like like, Yeah, there’s a lot of, ah, lot of weird like the curtains catch on fire and the lube goes everywhere like a fire hose. It’s kind of ridiculous.
[25:43] Uh huh. Speaking of.
[25:44] Yeah, but that’s like, ah, lot of bodies humor.
[26:01] Oh, shit. Julie’s getting towed up, towed up on a Monday.
[26:02] Uh, say so.
The craziest, most awkward sex scene I have ever seen in a movie which I haven’t seen the whole movie. And maybe this should be a thing.
[26:14] Mm,.
[26:15] Is The Tall Guy sex scene with Emma Thompson and Jeff Goldbloom.
And it is the weirdest stranger sex scene ever. It’s really hard to find. You will have to go to a porn site in order to find the scene.
[26:26] Oh, shit.
[26:28] Find it, watch it.
[26:30] I will. I’m looking it up.
[26:32] There is a lot of, like rolling around all over this room.
There’s comforters being thrown out the window of this apartment as they’re rolling, they’re like, squishing cartons of milk and food is going flying. It is the strangest, weirdest thing ever.
[26:45] Wait. That sounds super familiar. I think I’ve seen you. I think you have watched me. Yes. You have made me watch this scene. You absolutely have made me watch this scene. Yes, it’s very bizarre. Yeah. Great.
[26:48] I’ve maybe made you watch it because it is so bizarre.
Thank you to the Austin grown theater Alamo Drafthouse because they hosted a Jeff Goldbloom evening that, like, went through this whole you know, Magnum Opus of Jeff Goldblum.
[27:03] Yeah.
[27:10] And I had no idea how much stuff he was in.
It is crazy But that is the most memorable thing from the whole night. This sex scene.
[27:21] Yeah, I just looked up and it’s not streaming on anything, so I have to find it in darker spaces.
[27:24] You will have to go to a porn site. Yes.
[27:27] Did you see what happened on Porn Hub today?
[27:29] I have no idea what happens in the world any day.
[27:32] They dropped. So there’s about 12 million videos on porn Hub, and they dropped nine million of them. They’re gone.
Um, because they dropped all that were uploaded anonymously because of the amount of, um, like sexual abuse to children that had been reported. So only verified
members can upload and receive monetary gain from porn hub videos.
[28:01] That is amazing.
[28:02] So we only have three million videos of people fucking to get through.
[28:02] It is wild.
Yeah, and you can feel a little bit better about there Not being Children in them.
[28:10] That is really great. Good for them, because that’s a bold move. They could have just ignored it.
[28:12] Um, I know. Really cool. Yeah.
And I want to read more about it because I did read some bits about how, um, some sex workers who receive monetary gain had all of their videos stripped from the site.
And so that’s like, their main source of income. And it’s gone now.
Um, but I think that yeah, I assume it could be re uploaded from a verified account. Um.
[28:33] Can they just reapply or, like, submit it through, like an approval process?
[28:41] Why don’t they just, like, have an approval process where people like watch it like someone actually watches it to make sure, like.
[28:47] I guess it’s like YouTube. There’s just so many fucking videos like there’s just no way.
[28:51] Have you read any of the articles about, like the Facebook censors?
Because we outsource. It is it is crazy, actually, the mental trauma that we have outsourced from our country, where we have basically, like the call centers in India.
But these are people, where when a video gets flagged and it has to go through a person watching it, it is like a call center full of people just watching this traumatizing stuff all day long.
[29:18] Oh, my God.
[29:19] That sounds terrible. Like That’s gotta fuck you up.
[29:21] It is awful. It is awful. Absolutely.
And the and the whole article that I had read a few years ago about it was basically like this PTSD symptoms that these people experience, how long people last or don’t last in a job like that.
[29:36] And, yeah, pretty, pretty awful.
[29:47] Yeah, And one of the articles I was reading about this actually on that note said that, like a third party reviewer, um, I don’t remember what it’s called.
Like independent review something, um, like, scanned through porn hub and found, like 118 counts of child abuse on it.
Um, but Facebook has had 84 million reports of child abuse on the Facebook platform.
Um, but yeah, and that’s only one. And this just happened today, so I think there’s probably gonna be a lot more information coming out about it.
Um, does anyone else have a story that they want to share?
[30:25] I feel like I don’t really I feel like I’ve maybe we blacked out any embarrassing things that have happened?
[30:32] Doesn’t. I’m gonna reiterate what Becca said in that embarrassing isn’t necessarily the right word to use here.
[30:39] Right. Like funny
[30:39] Um, potentially. Like humorous or just like, something that you might have not felt comfortable talking about before but want to feel comfortable talking about now. Um, trying to release that taboo. That’s the whole theme, right?
[30:46] Or
[30:50] Right. I don’t know if I really had that many, like,
honestly, that I remember because I’ve had, like, a lot of random events.
[31:00] So many, so many.
[31:02] She has been around the block y’all.
[31:03] I’ve been Listen, I lived in some great cities in my twenties for that. No, I.
[31:10] We did hear that you were friends with all the guys on the block, so you didn’t feel.
[31:13] I did make friends with all the guys in the block, and some of them I did have sex with I’m not gonna lie. Just like one really, one or two, but, um, I guess I just had more, like, interesting situations.
Like, I’ve hooked up with someone in, like, an abandoned office building, which is really cool, like downtown, And it was like it was in New York. So there was, like, all these, like, you know, buildings around and like, lights.
[31:35] Sounds very cool, actually. Like, I wanna be like, Oh, so cool, but it sounds pretty cool. Wow.
[31:36] Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
It was kind of cool. Um, and I think we’re still like Facebook friends, but I’m Facebook friends with a lot of random people I’ve hooked up with. I hooked up with one guy in Germany in Ah, like a public shower, which was kind of gross, but like.
[31:55] Sexy. Um.
[31:57] You got it. You It just happens when you’re in a hostel. You can’t do it in your bed.
[31:59] It just happens. Yeah, we were in a hostel. Yeah, I was like, Well, this is the only place to have sex. So was the shower.
[32:06] Hostels are tricky in that way. Yeah.
[32:07] Yeah, Yeah, he did contact me after that was like, Oh, by the way, I have gonorrhea.
But luckily, I did not because I got an STD test us soon as I got back.
[32:14] How’d that work out for you?
[32:18] Cause like me and one of my friends went on that trip together and just fucked our way across.
[32:21] Have to say very big of him to call you.
[32:23] It was it was really nice of him to tell me, Um, I mean, such Yeah, I think we used – it’s true.
[32:26] Yeah. I mean, the situation sucks. Let’s be clear, but he could have just easily not have called you. Yeah.
[32:34] And I think we used a condom. Maybe. I don’t remember honestly, but I did get tested as soon as I got home because I honestly had a lot of sex on that trip.
And, um, I was free, so yeah, it was great. It was me and our friend who all of you know.
[32:46] Sounds like a good trip.
[32:53] Um, where else did you go? Germany. And.
[32:53] One. Ah, we went to Italy, which was really cool.
And we went to – We didn’t go to Belgium on that trip.
It was like Italy, Germany and somewhere else.
[33:09] We should have, Ah, conversation about, like, foreign hookups.
[33:14] Becca’s had the best foreign hookups. Yeah, you have. Definitely.
[33:16] Not the best. I don’t know about that.
I mean.
[33:21] But one thing I did want to tell you all about which I like. I don’t know if it’s weird or not, but I feel like an abnormal amount of guys have, like, gotten hotel rooms for – like, guys that I’ve hooked up with have been like, Let’s go to a hotel.
[33:34] Mm. Wait. What do you mean?
[33:34] No, in other places.
Actually, one guy was here in Austin. He was like, he didn’t want to take me back to his place. He was.
[33:39] So like they didn’t want to take you back to their place because either they live with their parents or they’re super gross.
[33:46] Or they have a secret girlfriend or his excuse was that he had a cousin that he lives with.
[33:47] Oh, or they have a family or something.
[33:52] And he doesn’t want his cousin in his business because their family’s really close and he felt like – But I did later go to his place and he doesn’t live with his mom and dad.
[33:55] See. My instinct is that they live with their mom and dad, and they just are embarrassed, Uh, interesting.
[34:02] But actually that that sex was really weird. It was like, I don’t know most of my stories are like the guy should be embarrassed, you know, like I didn’t do anything, but like they were like a mess.
[34:08] That’s fine. Yeah, I don’t think Also don’t think that’s an abnormal viewpoint at all. That’s probably actually very common too.
[34:21] I would love to talk about the worst oral sex I’ve ever had. We should Oh, I told this story to Taylor probably like 17 times at this point. But why was that guy’s sex weird?
[34:23] Oh, we should definitely talk about that for sure.
[34:29] Yeah, I don’t I mean, it was just like it was like, a very eager like, if you were, like, having sex with someone that had never had sex before and they were just like, you know, it was, like, two seconds. It was.
[34:33] I don’t know, Very.
[34:43] But, like, what if he really hadn’t had sex before? It’s kind of sad right?
[34:51] Or a week earlier, but yeah, the hotel, like, like, three different guys that I can think of at least have been, like, let’s go to a hotel. And I’m like, Okay, I’m not paying for it. And they’re like, That’s fine.
[34:52] Yeah.
[35:02] Mm, yeah, I feel like you’re – my first instinct there isn’t that really what’s the word? I’m looking for – nefarious?
[35:03] Yeah. It’s very weird.
[35:09] I mean.
[35:12] My first instinct isn’t that something bad is going on there. It’s just that they’re embarrassed about where they live. But I can see now that you’ve mentioned it, that maybe that’s a very naive thing to think.
[35:17] Even, right? No, I don’t think it is. I’m sure, Like, I think one of them did live with their parents like they like his whole family lived together.
But, um, I don’t know.
[35:28] All right, because like, I’ve I’ve had roommate situations where it’s like, Well, our walls aren’t very soundproof. And do you live alone because that be better? Yeah.
[35:38] Right? I mean, honestly, the at first it’s kind of like, this is weird because you’re paying for me to be in a hotel with you, but looking back on it, I’m like, this is actually kind of nice.
I don’t have to go to your gross place. You don’t have to come to my place.
I’m in a safe environment where I could scream and, like, 100 people will hear me.
[35:57] As a business traveler Yeah.
[35:58] Sure. Yeah.
[35:58] Yeah. How much sex have you listened to, Maggie?
[36:04] I’ve invited people to hotel rooms before, is all I’m saying.
[36:07] Oh, invited people. I was I was thinking.
[36:07] And yeah, that’s what I assumed you meant. I’m like you’ve probably had more hotel sex than all of us combined.
[36:12] I was thinking about the number of times I’ve heard people having sex in hotels.
[36:16] I’ve also heard a lot of people having sex in hotels, for sure.
[36:19] It’s the best place to have sex. Honestly, No cleanup.
[36:21] Mm hmm. And you can you can really feel free to be loud because, like, who cares if a stranger hears you?
[36:23] Yeah.
[36:26] You don’t give shit. Yeah, it’s not your neighbors.
[36:30] Clearly nobody. That’s why I’ve heard so many people have sex in hotel rooms.
[36:31] It’s a beautiful thing. Yeah, I don’t think I have.
[36:38] Anyway, I think I almost in, like, I would almost rather be invited to a hotel room. Than see some people’s places.
[36:45] Yeah, I agree.
[36:50] Um, I mean, I’ve definitely walked in on my parents having sex before.
[36:55] That’s not a good time.
[36:57] Yeah, everyone’s had that, though. Probably.
[37:00] I, thankfully, have not.
[37:02] I’ve never seen it. Heard it? Yeah.
[37:05] You’ve heard it, though.
[37:07] Sorry again. If you know my middle name, turn this fucking podcast off.
[37:10] They’re still here. Yeah.
[37:10] Yeah.
Oh, yeah. Hopefully they stopped listening ages ago.
[37:18] This podcast is for strangers only. And we all have sex. It’s a very normal natural thing.
[37:27] Ah, yeah. And we all have. We all have bad sex sometimes. And that’s okay.
[37:32] I remember the first time – this was a long time ago, but I had a roommate and he had a long term girlfriend. And the very first time that I met his girlfriend was walking in on them having sex.
[37:45] What an introduction. What position?
[37:45] Yeah, it was Wow. Missionary.
He was on top, and he was butt naked. It was the first time I’ve seen his hairy ass butt, and he had socks on, and I will never get that image out of my head.
[38:02] And I think all of you know who I’m talking about. So.
I love it.
[38:06] Take your damn socks off.
[38:07] Well he apparently does now because I gave him so much shit like afterwards. He was like, I’m sorry about that. I was like, “Socks, man?! Socks! What are you doing?”
[38:08] Your feet can’t be that cold.
[38:18] Yeah, and so I think he fixed it after that. But I don’t know for sure.
[38:22] Yeah, yeah. I think you’ve told me this story before about him.
[38:27] Yeah, actually, he had another mutual friend of ours as a roommate who also walked in on him having sex.
[38:27] That’s a good thing and yeah.
[38:34] Why do y’all keep going in his room?
[38:35] Oh, my God.
I think he leaves the door unlocked. He wants them to walk in on him, knowing him. He wants you to walk in on him.
[38:39] Okay, well, to be fair, –
[38:43] Could be his kink.
[38:46] To be fair with with our mutual friend situation, he was in the living room, so less of her fault. In my situation, I told him I was coming home and He was supposed to help me with something, and I got home and I knocked on his door, and he didn’t say, “Don’t come in.” He said, “What’s up?”
[39:00] A what? Oh, my God.
[39:05] And so I was like, I was like, He knows he knows I’m coming home. He’s supposed to help me with something.
[39:06] What an asshole!
[39:12] And hey, are you there? What’s up? I opened the door and yeah, that’s Yeah.
Oh, my God. He is absolutely doing it on purpose.
[39:20] So it wasn’t even the type of thing where you open the door, you see the ass, you see the socks and you like exit. He knew you were there.
[39:23] Oh, yeah, he knew.
[39:29] Well, he knew he knew I was outside of the door. I don’t think he in his head knew that I was gonna walk in. Yeah.
[39:35] What a fucking dumb ass What’s up? Yeah.
[39:36] Was he just gonna carry on a conversation with you while he’s having sex through the door? What’s up? Yeah I’ll be out in a second!
[39:39] That is Yeah, that wouldn’t surprise me. Honestly.
[39:40] What’s up?
[39:43] Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me. A Oh, my God.
[39:48] She’s a saint for putting up with him. Really?
[39:50] But she, uh Well, that wasn’t her. That was a different girlfriend.
[39:52] Oh, that so this was like, a while ago.
[39:54] This was a long, long, long time ago. Um, but she was, she was a very wonderful human, too.
[40:00] And he’s a very lucky guy and that he often meets really wonderful women.
[40:04] Right? Like how? Why do why do women put up with just complete trash?
[40:05] Yeah, you know what? I love him, too, So yeah.
[40:10] Yeah, but would you…? Exactly. From a safe distance. Becca’s arm length from the penis.
[40:11] No, ew.
[40:15] But I I love him from a safe non sexual distance.
[40:23] Yeah, even further than that.
[40:31] Have have any of you walked in on someone having sex besides your parents?
[40:36] Besides, just besides my parents. No, no, I don’t think so.
[40:42] I can’t think of a time I have.
[40:45] Mhm.
[40:45] Obviously we’re not traumatized if we did.
[40:48] I feel like you would remember. Yeah.
[40:51] Yeah. No. Which is crazy, considering the number of roommates I’ve had in my life.
[40:54] Okay.
[40:55] Yeah, Yeah.
[40:59] And the amount of sex happening every minute of every day.
[41:01] Yeah.
[41:02] And the amount of doors I open!
[41:04] Just open up doors, hoping, and then nothing.
[41:05] I had a.
[41:09] I had a roommate. Ah, who had very, very, very, very, very loud sex once.
And they were in the, um, front bedroom of the house we were living in.
And me and my other roommate were in the living room kind of talking outside the kitchen, which is kind of immediately outside the master bedroom.
Um, and it is a very distinct sexual sound. That is, it is a slapping sound.
And it started happening, and as we were talking and we were just, like, kept making eye contact,
and we kept talking and we’re like, OK, OK, so we’re both going to pretend like this isn’t happening, But it just kept getting louder and louder and faster.
And then there was, like, moaning and I was like, I have to go. This is I cannot pretend to keep having this conversation.
[42:04] I think I like younger me probably would have just been very awkward about the situation, but I think older me would find it so funny. Like I would just, like, hysterically laugh.
[42:16] Yeah. Same.
[42:18] Like I would have just put some music on. Let me help you all out with that.
[42:21] But see, even Becca? Yeah.
[42:23] Let’s get it on bowwwwn.
[42:26] Becca of that age found it very funny, but my roommate was very uh, he was very, very, very, very uncomfortable with anything just involving the discussion of sex, let alone the existence and very active presence of it.
It was my It wasn’t even the sounds that were bothering me. It was having to interact with this person while the sounds were happening. That killed me.
[42:51] Yeah, that would – That would make it a lot harder for sure.
[42:54] It was rough.
[42:58] Yep.
[42:59] I couldn’t even date guys with blonde hair for, like, the 1st 29 years of my life because they reminded me too much of my brother.
[43:07] Oh.
[43:08] Like I would not date blond guys.
[43:10] Mhm. And now look at you.
[43:11] Uh huh. Yeah. I was like, Hey, Joey. Yeah. Yeah.
[43:11] Yeah.
[43:15] I need you to dye your hair and to read this book, please.
[43:20] Joey is like a blond Captain Jack Sparrow, slash David Bowie in my head that could just, like, get really drunk and talk about all of the pop culture in the world.
And I could I can see why you’re dating Joey.
[43:34] Yeah. You just made him sound like a real sex icon. Captain Jack Sparrow/David Bowie combo.
[43:37] Yeah. I think,
Joey is a sexy man. Joey, if you’re listening. I think you’re a sexy man.
I’m pretty pretty not into men. Pretty. Not into men. And you’re taken.
[43:46] Maggie. I mean, you did already have a dream about dating him.
[43:50] I was going to say, Have you shared your dream?
[43:52] I told Joey about that, and it wasn’t a sex dream. We were just dating.
And I told everyone we’re dating. Apparently, is just something I wanted to brag about, I didn’t actually want any involvement in it.
[44:05] But, uh, I think you both ended up getting the benefit of the situation because you’re a very wonderful person too, Taylor.
[44:12] Thanks. I know. Um, yeah.
[44:15] And so hot.
[44:19] And the rest of the podcasts is just Maggie flirting with everybody.
[44:23] Love you, Phil.
[44:25] And their partners.
[44:28] She knows this about me. It’s fine.
[44:33] Cannot be held accountable for our subconscious. Okay.
[44:38] It does what it wants. It wants what it wants.
[44:41] It’s true.
[44:42] So send in your stories that are funny that involve sex, yall. We wanna hear them, always. Literally.
[44:48] Oh, maybe we’ll read them on the air.
[44:50] Maybe we’ll read them. But mostly, yeah, Maggie got made a great point. It’s just to like, Yeah, we’re trying to ease out of the idea of taboo.
Make everyone more comfortable with the things that maybe previously we wouldn’t be comfortable talking about.
[45:05] Does anyone have any sex related stories that also tie in finances? That would be ideal.
[45:11] Oh, I have spent a lot of money. Ah, lot of money for booty calls.
[45:17] Really? Traveling. Oh, that’s right. Tell us your international Okay.
[45:17] Well, like cross Atlantic.
Oh, no, that’s for another time. But I have spent just crazy money. Crazy money on flights, crazy money on hotel rooms. Cray money.
[45:27] Yeah.
[45:31] And I don’t regret a dime. Yeah, absolutely. Every time. So this is our last recording of 2020, right?
[45:32] Yeah. It sounds like it was worth it.
[45:37] Yeah.
[45:41] Wait. Julie didn’t tell a story.
[45:43] I am really sorry.
[45:45] Sorry. You’re sorry? Oh, it’s my favorite.
[45:46] Oh, that was nice. We never get to hear that.
[45:53] It’s really tamped down. Um, I am really sorry.
[45:59] No, say it like you do. Say it normally.
[46:01] Nothing is coming to mind? I’m gonna -This is my homework.
[46:02] Say what you mean to say.
[46:07] For the next few weeks, I’m going to think about all of my sexual history and what could be shared publicly.
[46:17] Reminder. I am an old married woman.
[46:20] I mean, I’ve got some Julie stories.
[46:23] Oh, shit. She’s gonna air your laundry.
[46:24] Oh, maybe just maybe just jump into it.
[46:32] Uh, you can edit this out later, but the first one I can think of is you and Zach came to stay with me and Philippa one time. And I don’t know you guys went to go, you know what I’m talking about? All right, then you tell a story.
[46:32] Refresh my memory. Yeah.
[46:43] No, I don’t remember everything, but it’s coming back. Did I leave something out?
[46:47] Ah, yes. You left something out. There was I don’t I think it was a dildo, though. It could have been something. Okay.
[46:55] No. No. This is some high tech stuff. This is something known as the Erocillator, which looks, looks terrifying.
[47:01] They left the Errocillator out for us to find Yeah.
[47:05] Without a license?!
[47:06] Yes.
[47:08] You can’t just be putting that thing around.
[47:10] So Maggie’s dorm room really saw a lot that year.
[47:10] Is – that’s true. Broken TVs, the Errocillator.
[47:14] Mhm all sex related.
[47:16] Zach and I were – I was at school in California, Berkeley, and Zach was in Arizona,
and we flew to Austin to see each other and also hang out with Maggie.
And, of course, there was a lot of pent up desire going on,
and happened to leave a very advanced sex toy out. Called the Errocillator.
[47:47] That’s impressive for that age. How old are yall? Like 20? 18. 19. Wow, that is a deep, open mindedness that I just really appreciate in the two of you.
[47:50] 18. 18.
[47:59] Grew up very young in Canada, you know, Um, but yeah, I have no idea what poor Maggie would have thought when she came across that also, it is so.
It is so unlike me to leave something out. Like I can’t fathom how this situation happened.
[48:15] I agree. I think I was more stunned about that fact than anything.
[48:21] Um, but I think I I just remember being like, Oh, clearly, this wasn’t on purpose and I think I, like, put something like a yeah, I, like, put it under the bed or like, put a blanket on top of it or something, and I was just, like, just took care of it, So it wasn’t really a big deal.
[48:27] It’s shoved it back under the.
[48:35] It’s just like that’s the one thing I could think of of a story that you could tell, and it’s a good one because we were 18. That was pretty young to be that open minded like, Becca said.
[48:47] Errocillator. It sounds like a time machine. Oh, Errocillator. That sounds like a sci fi porno.
[48:49] Errocillator. So this this this particular Okay, So this device was designed by a female sex therapist, doctor. I think.
And it the whole basis behind it has to do with the fact that, um, you can become overstimulated through, like, clitoral stimulation and then sort of reach a point where it no longer becomes effective.
You sort of hit that refractionary period. And so this was designed to sort of avoid that and give you, like, multi orgasmic. Um. Times.
[49:31] Erross? Erross? Errocillator.I can’t say things.
[49:32] And I mean, they named it. Well, it’s got a great name. So there’s that.
[49:36] Is it like erotic oscillator? Is that Is that what it is? Or is it “air” like A I R like is air pulsing.
[49:39] I think it must be yes. Erotic, yes. Erotic. Mhm.
[49:44] I think we should have this podcast sponsored by the Errocillator.
[49:50] I mean, you know, maybe I need to bring that back. It’s been many years.
[49:54] Do you still have it?
[49:55] I haven’t I I’m going to guess… I believe it went into storage is one of the few prized possessions when we left the country in 2013.
[50:09] And so we recently cleaned the storage out. But I’m thinking using sex toys that have been in storage for seven or eight years is probably not advisable.
[50:19] Another fun sex thing you could talk about is how you gifted a sex chair to another podcast member here.
[50:26] Yeah, one of the other prized possessions.
[50:27] That is accurate.
[50:31] So when Zach and I left the country in 2013, we got rid of almost everything we owned. Except for two motorcycles.
[50:40] A beautiful sex, chaiselounge, a giant projector screen and apparently the Errocillator.
[50:48] And a few ]-
[50:50] So out of those five items. Two of those items were given to me.
[50:57] Audience members, send us your guesses of which two of those were.
[51:02] I think pretty much everything else that went into storage was like my hockey equipment, my lacrosse equipment and some other sporting gear, but, um, yeah, yeah.
[51:13] What is that? The tantric chair? What’s it called?
[51:16] Yeah, but I don’t Yes, yes.
[51:22] Maggie, you know so much more about my sexual history than I remember.
[51:28] You choose to forget.
[51:28] Maggie takes notes.
[51:32] Oh, this is just a fun story because it makes me laugh every time I think about it.
A few years ago I went, I was dating someone and we were, um, long distance at the time, and I went to go visit him and he was living with his family then. And so I was staying with him and his family, and his little sister was graduating high school.
And so I had got this, like, leather bound journal to give to her as a gift.
And I was just meeting them the first for the first time at this visit.
So I, like, put it in my purse to like and I brought it to dinner because I didn’t really know when I was going to give it to her and how not to make it weird.
I was just trying to be a good girlfriend, and we, like, went to dinner and we all got a little bit drunk and it was lovely. We were having a great time. And when we get back to the house and we’re in their kitchen, all just kind of hanging out.
And I was like, “Oh, I want to give you a gift for graduation!” And I like reached in my purse and I gave it to her, gave her the journal, and she, like, held it up.
And then a condom just fell out from between between the pages and I just and she just looked down and looked at me.
And then his parents looked at me and I was like, Oh, on, like, his family started laughing so hard they were crying, and I can’t remember.
I think it was his mom was like, Don’t worry honey, we are a very sex positive home.
[53:01] But yeah, I still think about it. Giving this, like, 17 year old girl a journal and a condom.
[53:01] You’re like No.
[53:14] Yeah.
[53:17] Yeah.
[53:19] That’s amazing. Uh.
[53:20] Uh, yeah.
[53:22] Uh, I think I think people really need to rethink, like, high school graduation gifts.
[53:27] That’s probably the very helpful gift. Thank you. Sorry. It was meant to be used on your brother.
[53:43] Okay, so, yes, this is our last recording of 2020 so early 2021, in just a couple of weeks, we’ll come back and we’ll do our 2020 wrapped.
We’ll talk about 2021 goals and we’ll probably start talking about taxes because that’s when we really have to start filling out spreadsheets that we’ve avoided for the past three months.
[54:04] Becca. Does that mean you are ramping up to join the spreadsheet crew? You’re going to dip your toe into that world?
[54:10] Well, I still I need a spreadsheet for my personal finances. I have one for my, um, business.
And it’s super hella basic. It’s just like, this is what I spent. And this is what I earned. And that’s it.
So next year I really want to set. I want to set up some infrastructure so that I actually can do a more thorough job of my books.
[54:39] Thorough job of my books.
[54:44] Austin was a smaller city back then.
[54:47] Now, now it’s a mecca. Lesbian threesomes. Yeah!
[54:49] For what?
[54:53] Yeah, yeah, that’s true.
[54:55] Becca – I know about that.
[54:55] Yeah! Mhm! It’s our It’s our slogan. That’s our town tagline! The mecca of lesbian threesomes.
[55:05] I was trying – What’s the phrase with? More lesbian threesomes than you can shake a stick at? Is that the phrase?
[55:10] No.
[55:10] What?
[55:13] You don’t do any stick shaking in lesbian threesomes. Becca, you have it all wrong.
[55:18] Right.
[55:19] Oh, yeah. Oh, my God!
[55:21] I guess I don’t get em
[55:29] Ah, beautiful, y’all.
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